Numerology for trans-formation is a method developed by Paula Jimenez Huertas. They are theoretical and practical workshops that combine didactic learning to calculate a complete numerological study with other therapeutic activities and games that help you to work with different emotional processes that inevitably arise in any personal knowledge workshop.
Numerology for trans-formation is a very powerful tool that helps us to discover and understand ourselves through the nine aspects of our identity, our talents, our way of life, our life's mission, the family heirlooms, our life cycles, our energy scheme, and so on.
Discover our numbers is itself a healing work. However, as we move to our self, often we want to go beyond the purely theoretical explanation and understanding in order to achieve effective changes that will help us to transform certain blocks, to understand our family environment or to learn to manage our emotional responses. In
Numerology for trans-formation workshops, NLP techniques are used among other as creative visualization, meditation, exercises that help to increase brain plasticity and to modify the cognitive processes. The family constellations and the card game of the personajes para la trans-formación, created by the same author, are being used too.
The full course consists of a total of 35 hours divided into monthly or fortnightly sessions for a better assimilation process.