Do you know how to get out of the Matrix and return to the Origin?
This book is an allegorical description of the Earth plane and how the Matrix works. With a soft and authoritative voice, Ashurbanipal, King of the Universe, questions the ideological pillars that support the current society in which we live, gives specific clues to help you understand who rules the world and offers you solutions to escape the program that seeks to annihilate you and rob you of your power. Using simple words, it shows you the path to follow to refocus your spirit and remind you of the greatness of your Being.
This is a rescue handbook to escape the Matrix. After reading it, you will never be the same again; you will know who you are and why you are here. Once you have liberated your spirit, you will want to change the rules of the game and stop feeding the deception.
The book goes together with a board game based on the cosmovision of ancient peoples that will help you understand the greatest spiritual secret ever told: what the place we live in is like. If you are up to playing a game, a new world will be revealed to you.
You can buy the game online at
This new book by writer Carme Jiménez Huertas is one of the most consistent yet creative explorations of the Earth plane you live on. If this rescue handbook has reached you, you are among the chosen ones.
Are you ready to play for real? To take back your power and escape the Matrix!